Early autumn
Postet by MODERN COUNTRY at Tuesday, October 06, 2015 23 Comments
Links Høst/Autumn
Summer lingers on...
I am definitely happy about the abundance of seasonal fruits and vegetables available, giving me ideas for new recipes, although the old are still very much reused. A summer favorite is Mackerel, homemade fresh pesto and new potatoes, tossed with some olive oil, herbs and salt. So yummy !
Summer I love you so very much.
It's just the little things... holding hands with my sister, taking a nap after dinner.
The hammock provide the perfect place to slip away.
~ Aina ~
Postet by MODERN COUNTRY at Thursday, July 23, 2015 19 Comments
Links Sommer/Summer
Beautiful May
Postet by MODERN COUNTRY at Tuesday, May 26, 2015 8 Comments
Links Hageliv/garden, Vår / Spring
In anticipation
Postet by MODERN COUNTRY at Sunday, March 29, 2015 12 Comments
Links Hageliv/garden, Vår / Spring
Looking ahead
Postet by MODERN COUNTRY at Friday, February 20, 2015 13 Comments
Links Tanker/thoughts, Vinter/winter
Postet by MODERN COUNTRY at Wednesday, December 24, 2014 13 Comments
Links Jul/Christmas
It`s That Time Of Year Again
This beautiful autumn wreath sparks a few great ideas, how to make a Christmas wreath looking pretty with a fresh mix of seasonal greenery, fruits and berries.
~ Aina ~
Postet by MODERN COUNTRY at Tuesday, November 18, 2014 19 Comments
Postet by MODERN COUNTRY at Saturday, September 20, 2014 20 Comments
Links Høst/ Autumn, Weekend
End of summer
I honestly have not spent much time indoors, being occupied with living life to the fullest. What else could you do when summer seduce with such abundance of lively green and rich flavors of seasonal vegetables, fruits, fish and herbs. And the evenings are filled with conversations while enjoying the sunset when another day is coming to an end. You just have to take it all in.
These moments I will remember and treasure the most when winter is cold and rough.
Salty air. Smell of fish, tar and rope.

Postet by MODERN COUNTRY at Friday, September 12, 2014 12 Comments
Links Ferie/Holiday, Sommer/Summer