Cabbages & Roses Giveaway !!
~ Hei jenter, i dag tar jeg hele innlegget på Engelsk, ettersom halvparten av mine lesere kommer fra andre land enn de Skandinaviske. I tillegg synes jeg det er viktig at alle skal forstå hva jeg vil fortelle. Regner med at det går greit. Ønsker alle et stort Lykke til, og ha det moro !! Ps: Endel har hatt vanskeligheter de siste dagene med å legge igjen kommentarer i kommentarfeltet. Jeg har selv forsøkt å legge igjen kommentar som anonym og da har det fungert greit. Bare pass på og skriv hvem du er og hvilken blogg du har !
Ever since I started sewing 4 years ago, Christina Strutt has been a role model. The very first book I bought was Vintage Crafts, "30 charming projects for the Home and Garden ". The book took me by storm,and I remember my cheeks turned red with excitement when I mastered my first project. Besides, the Designs came across very friendly. And I completely fell for the authentic radiance of the fabric, which she uses in her products. The good quality of linen,you can almost feel it. Christina collects inspiration for her designs on her many trips to the antique markets and her travels abroad. Which is easy to recognize. Some of the designs generate a certain feel, like a picnic trip to the countryside. They feel easy to the eye, relaxed and natural. You just want to lay down, have a rest in a hammock, close your eyes to the sound of fluttering fabrics at the background. Don`t you agree ? I also think the natural color palette fits into most environments.
But the most important thing I think is that Cabbages & Rosesis Environmentally Friendly! All the ingredient sare printed in the UK, just outside London. Furniture is vintage finds that Christina gathers on her travels, and fabric printing is ecofriendly and does not create a waste substances that are harmful to local water supplies. They want to keep your business small, and will not produce large quantities as it is often thrown away or sold at reduced prices. Selection of quality of products means that they last a long time and thus avoid "useand throw 'culture that drain our resources so much. A philosophy I completely agree with !
- This small group of ladies from the Langton store are doing most of the work for Cabbages & Roses new online shop. Hattie, Lauren, Violetand Holly. They take care of the store and make it look beautiful, they are wrapping, delivering, take phone calls, arrange the mail,serve customers etc….and handle all the online orders. They look so happy and cute together :)
This spring they introduced a beautiful brand new collection. And I am very excited about this one!! I think it works really well with my style too. And this is the fun part. A while ago I received an e-mail from Cabbages & Roses and they asked me if I would like to collaborate and host a giveaway. I was happily surprised. Of course I could not turn down this generous offer! This sounds Amazing, doesn`t it ?! But first of all I'll share some of the images from the brand new collection.
Cabbages & Roses new Home Line Collection. I think it is absolutely Wonderful !

All images : Cabbages & Roses
- To view the whole Line, HERE IS the link to the SS11 Home Line.
They also have a BLOG, with news about new collections, beautiful images of photo shoots and link to other exciting websites.
They also have a BLOG, with news about new collections, beautiful images of photo shoots and link to other exciting websites.
And now the Giveaway, these are the gorgeous gifts you may win :

* Charming cotton apron in the jolly Ships Passing print. This retro style apron will cheer up any kitchen !
* Jaunty Ships Passing print cotton washing bag lined with waterproof fabric, with leather pull and Cabbages and Roses label. Ideal for a gift or for a touch of vintage spirit to a bathroom.
And here are the details to participate :
Everyone may participate, with or without a blog. All you need to do is leave a comment in the comment field and tell us what you think of the new collection. If you want , you may tell us how you would have used these products in your home too. To receive extra entries :
You can post the giveaway to any of your social networking sites, such as blogger, twitter, and or facebook, and you will receive an extra entry..... Just make sure you leave a separate comment for each entry ! The giveaway ends next Monday. The winner will be announced on Tuesday the 7 th. Winner will be chosen by
Thank you Cabbages & Roses for sponsoring this great giveaway !
I wish Everyone Good luck !!
Thank you Cabbages & Roses for sponsoring this great giveaway !
I wish Everyone Good luck !!
~ Aina ~
I'm so excited.....this is a beautiful giveaway!
Oj, og, så flott giveaway! Jeg blir gjerne med! Kolleksjonen til Cabbages and Roses er bare nydelig og det hadde vært supert med noen nye detaljer i mitt nye hus som jeg flytter til i august!
Oioioi, så mye stilig. Jeg er med :)
Kolekcja jest niesamowita!
Dziękuję, za możliwość wzięcia udziału w losowaniu podarunków.
A zdjęcie dziewczyn przed sklepem wygląda świetnie- byłam pewna, że to jakaś stara fotografia, a tu taka niespodzianka.
pozdrawiam ,Ja
What a nice give away !! count me in please...what i like....too much to tell here...but i like the most i see...lovely week darling...liefs van
oh my it is so gorgeous!
I love the pattern on the apron
My favorite of the new line is the photo of the day bed. mmmm, I could sit there all day and crochet.
I just love the fabric prints.
SO soft and elegant.
Hei, jeg syns det var mye fint her, men falt helt for den lyse tapeten med blomster på! Den har den rette blandingen av romantikk/klassisk.
Just posted a link on my blog for this wonderful giveaway
I love the table cloth and the apron! C & R is a beautiful line!
Hi Aina...I love all things Cabbages and Roses too. Currently I am loving their patterns in goes so well with my kitchenware! :)
I will be happy to put your give away up on my side bar!
Take care, Laura :)
Oh, I love it. That darling print. I'm gradually switching my house over to Shabby Chic and this apron would be adorable in the kitchen!! Also the wash bag in the laundry. Must zip over to the website to check out that fabric a little further :-).
Hello Aina, what a wonderful collection! I will be happy to post a comment and maybe I am lucky! I especially love th colours.
Du hendelse kor flotte saker!
Eg vert gjerne med!
Härligt underbart!! Måste vara med:))
kram på dig
momshelly said:What a fantastic line.Everthing looks great!Good Luck
Så fina inspirerande bilder som du har! Plåtskåpet är magiskt fint. Jag vill oxå vara med och tävla. Kram Johanna
hello, the colection is pure and simple it brings calm and quiet, i love the pictures and your blog. see you soon from Portugal.
Cátia Rib.
So kind!
So beautiful! Give me lucky!!
I especially love th colours.
:) KIsses
Maria Antonia Forjaz
I love Cabbagges & Roses and I'm very glad to be able to partecipate to this giveaway!
I consider the new collection so pretty, elegant and vintage!
If I'll win, I preserve the apron and the bag for my future house :)
lovely, lovely, lovely!
Absoloutely gorgeous products - perfect colours it!!!
I love gthis new line. The simplicity is so sweet. It's like black and white photos....where you see the picture in a different way. Love those curtains. I'd love to have some of those in my home.
I love the new collection! I really like the grays. It's nice to have the choice between neutral and colors!
I'd use the striped fabrics on shades, the florals for pillows. They're all great!
It would be so fabulous for a beach home! I would be happy to win~Cheers Kim
Grey is the new it color - I'm loving it!
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
I go for the gray.... this morning I start painting my home in cool gray.....
Love it all
What a sweet giveaway.I love the colors of these items. I would use them both: baking in the darling apron, and collecting hand washing in the lovely bag. :o)
What a lovely collection! Just love it.
I think the new collection is gorgeous, as everything coming from Cabbages and Roses. I have two books, "Romantic home sewing" and "At home with country" and they are a source of real inspiration for me.
Greetings from Spain.
One of my loved shops, I am in a perfect quiet little world of my own when I am in this little shop. Full of inspiration, I always come away with another project or two to start!
Beautiful blog by the way.
Carol xxx
Oh wow what a lovely apron, I almost live in my kitchen, so this would be really really beautiful to fit in ! I love the collection, I can use the beautiful bags, just to hang them in tha hallway near my jacket, just to be beautiful. Now I gonnan dream about the beautiful apon, pick me please ;-)
What a great giveaway, I love Cabbages & Roses! The apron is adoriable.
Utrolig flott alt sammen. Jeg kunne fint kjøpt alt.
Kari :-)
Love the new line! Very summery! One of my bathrooms is decorated very beachy and how pretty would some of these be in there!
I love the new collection, but I love all their collections, so that is nothing new. I love the way their fabrics are so comfy and homey and cozy - just the best.
love cabbages and roses and I would use these all day everyday! Thank you! xoxo
Such a beautiful color, I am doing my house is these colors..........I love it!
Hi Aina,
Cabbages and Roses items are all so beautiful and also so tastefully styled in the brochure. What's not to love about all of their products?
But the bedding would be perfect to see...last thing at night and first thing in the morning...and all of the other times in between!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Nå blir det storm hos deg, Aina!
Vi er nok svært mange som ønsker å bli med i denne trekningen.
Fin filosofi rundt varene de lager. Har absolutt sansen for den. Liker også de naturlige, dempede fargene. Slike varer kan en ha i årevis uten å bli lei. For kjøp og kast vil vi jo ikke ha noe av...
Trekker et lodd og krysser fingrene!
Klemmer fra Marit
Beautiful products and I would love, love, love to win any of them. Cheers, Becki
Kära Aina,
Först, låt mig säga ett varmt tack för dina snälla kommentarer hos mig - du gör mig SÅ glad med dina gulliga ord!
Trots att jag bor i England visste jag inte så mycket om Cabbages & Roses (mer än att jag har sett deras saker, förstås), så det var trevligt att få läsa om dem här hos dig, och främst att läsa om deras filosofi som tilltalar mig också. Jag är gärna med i utlottningen av deras fina saker och bara älskar deras nya serie - den känns helt rätt i tiden och väldigt naturlig i både materialval, färg och stil.
Återigen ett stort och varmt tack för dina hälsningar hos mig. Jag har länge varit ett stort fan av din stil, din "linneproduktion" och din blogg och känner mig så stolt och glad att du vill hälsa på i min "svengelska värld".
Hej igen,
Om jag förstod dig rätt vill du att vi lämnar en kommentar per "lott", och jag har länkat till denna utlottning på min blogg, så jag lämnar en till hälsning här och hoppas på tur vid utlottningen.
Varma hälsningar,
Så mye lekkert! Umulig å velge seg en favoritt. Kunne med glede brukt alt hjemme hos meg.
I love the fabrics, the tote bags and the aprons. The colours are always dreamy. I would use the fabrics to make slip covers for my old wing chairs, the tote bag to carry my treasures and the apron to cook because I'm a mucky pup... Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.
Heihei :)
Åh så¨flott giveaway :) Her vi jeg være med på 1 lodd denne gangen:)
klem fra siv anita, swimzy
oh so lovely, definitely my style too. I love the natural linens and greys, they look right at home in a country style home.
Hello dear I participate willingly and I love the shades of gray and then at home I Gustavian style imposing shades of gray and blue sugar paper ......
then count on me
AscoltaTrascrizione fonetica
Dear Aina, all are very beautiful, the new collection and your blog.
Best regards from Barcelona in Spain. Montse
Aina, what a lovely lovely piece you have made about us, thank you.
We loved all the comments and can't wait to see who has won!
With lots of love and best wishes
Cabbages & Roses
I love this print! i live in the US near Cape cod...this print would be lovely cushions for my living room. Such soothing prints!
Beautiful fabrics, so in my style;)
Thank you for sharing :)
i've always loved this shop and can't wait to go to england to step into one in person. the photo of the shop keepers is adorable. thank you.
Det var inte dåligt vilken fin utlottning!
Ha en fin helg!
Kram Marina
beautiful fabric- I love the apron- I use aprons all the time when I am working in kitchen or even out in my flower gardens
Lieve Aina,
Bedankt voor je lieve reacties op mijn blog en wat leuk dat je meedoet aan mijn give away!
Ik heb deze post van jou duidelijk gemist!! Wat een eer dat je benaderd bent om een give away te mogen doen namens Cabbages & Roses! Ik heb al heel lang een link op mijn blog naar hun website staan, alleen voor inspiratie is een bezoek al meer dan de moeite waard! Ik doe heel graag mee aan je give away!!
Wat leuk dat je man in Nederland welk deel van het land woont zijn familie? Misschien is hij wel hier dicht bij mij in de buurt hihi! Het is hier inderdaad stralend weer, ik ga zo weer lekker de tuin in!
Ik wens je een hele fijne en zonnige dag! Veel liefs, Ingrid
Kunne trengt et forkle, jeg som lager så mye mat! Har ikke tall på hvor mange topper som har fått margarinsprut på seg.
Angående farger på kjøkkenet- beklager at jeg ikke har fått svart! Det er så mye som skjer her om dagen. Vi har ikke malt kjøkkenet enda, så den fargen som er der nå, var der da vi flyttet inn. Tror den heter magnolia. Jeg er ikke 100% fornøyd med den. Litt for gul for min smak. Vil ha en litt gråere, lys linfarge når vi skal male om. Men det er også vanskelig å oppdrive. Synes ofte de blir så lilla. River Silt fra Pure and original er en favoritt foreløpig, men litt dyrt å male mange rom med kalkmaling. Soverommet ble kostende 2000 i bare maling! Men fargen er nydelig mørk lin.
Gulvet aner jeg ikke. Boksen er blitt så stygg av malingsflekker at jeg ikke klarer å tyde koden. Alt jeg ser, er RE002***** (ser ikke hva det står, men det var en grå med litt gult i) iblandet S2502Y og RE005. Ble en varm grå.
Vet ikke om dette hjelper stort, men!
My favourite shop.Natural and timeless is how I would describe these beautiful new additions,just glad to take part in this great giveaway ciao Alison
Hi it's me again just to say that I am putting the link on my blog rightaway.Bags and aprons always come in handy. ciao Alison
Hej min goa vän!
Åh vilken fin Give Away från Cabbages and Roses du har!!!
Jag tycker deras produkter är vackra och fin känsla i :)
Underbart att du köpte dig ett fikonträd på mässan, de är såå fina tycker jag!
Det är inga problem att sköta dem heller. De växer väldigt snabbt, så man får beskära dem varje år.
Jag har mitt i växthuset, för jag tycker det är så härligt att sitta därinne och kika på det, men när det blir större får det nog flytta ut i trädgården, eller om vi har hunnit bygga vårt orangerie/uterum, så kan det bo där.
Det skall tydligen klara klimatet vi har här i Göteborgsregionen om man vill att det skall växa ute i trädgården, men jag är osäker om det norska klimatet fungerar.
Hoppas att vi kan ses snart, det blev ju bara en kram och några ord i Danmark. Skall ni åka till Danmark igen i sommar, eller kanske till Marie i Hjo? Det skulle vara roligt att träffas och prata lite mer.
Varm kram
Merci infiniment pour ta visite et ton commentaire ! J'aime beaucoup ton blog, il m'est très agréable de le visiter.
PArtecipo volentieri a questo giveaway. Conosco già i prodotti Gabbages and Roses e ho anche comprato un loro libro. Metto subito il link sul mio blog.
A presto, Enrica
Beautiful! I am so excited about this giveaway....thank you!!
I'm really liking the new collection--the fabric goes with anything and has a timeless look to it! I don't think it's going to go out of style anytime soon. Thanks for the chance to win such a great giveaway!
Beautiful products and I would love, win...:)
Alt er bare sååå fint. Duse farger, ikke for mye av noenting:)
Kjøkkenet mitt kunne vbare fått den totalrenovering med produktene, det hadde vært noe:)
Syns den nye kolleksjonen er fantastisk fin, veldig sart og romantisk med de duse fargene :)Rannveig Kh (
Deler konkurransen på facebook :D Rannveig Kh (
It's a beautiful store! Please count me in, thank you!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
The colors are beautiful
many thanks Aina
kisses from provence+++++++++++
Nydelig ♥ Prøver gjerne lykken
Tipset på facebook for 1 lodd til :)
Hei på deg!
Jeg har ikke vært med hos deg før.
Ønsker å være med i trekningen av din koselige blogg! Deler linken med alle mine venner hvis det hjelper!!!
Vennllig hilsen Guri Marie.
Beautiful apron!! I would hand it on my kitchen pantry door as a piece of art.
The new collection is simply great, like I motifs on fabrics and colors.
Oh what a lovely give-away from Cabbages & Roses! I just love all of their fabrics. I am a huge fan!!! Thank you for the opportunity!
My Email:
Lovely, beautiful things. Thank you for sharing :)
Hei! Jeg vil være med! Synes kolleksjonen er helt fantastisk lekker.
Hilsen Camilla ,
just last week i got christina strutt's new book (vintage style 2) and i absolutely love it. another book came in the same parcel (shedchic) and christinas's lovely tent was featured there. as i need a new apron i definitely love this one and living by the sea i of course love the ships. cheers from ireland, eliane
Vil gjerne være med i trekning av slike flotte saker !
Ønsker deg en fin sommeruke Aina
How wonderful! I have been at the Langton shop last December and it was a wonderful experience to see all the fabrics and vintage items displayed in such a beautiful way. I love the style and fabric design very much and will definitely go there again next time I am in London. Bags for all kinds of purposes and cushions with this rosy design are my favourites! ;) Alexandra
One of your items would be delightful in my kitchen! I've just redone it in a blue/green mid-century look.
Everything they design is on my wishlist and these are no exception..Love the new line..xx
I am in love with the new collection! And I would so appreciate winning :). Thanks for the chance! Leslie
I would love that apron. I actually live on a boat so the pattern is just the job!
Great blog and great giveaway. I am a daily follower via my inspiration list on my blog.
I have twittered your giveaway on y
Maybe I'm late, but I just discovered your blog today.. I like the apron, but the bag is useful for the sea. The new collection is romantic...
Love this give-away! I collect vintage aprons and LOVE Cabbages & Roses fabrics. So this prize is right up my alley:)
Every single fabric is Just Lovely! I am considering taking the closet doors off my bedroom closet and replacing them with fabric curtains - it will soften the whole room and C&R fabric would be fantastic!
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