Foto : Aina
WOW. It`s September.
More windy, colder, fresher..but still green.
We embrace the warmer clothes, filling baskets with delicious apples, drying herbs, planning new and exciting projects, taking long walks with the favorite jacket of the season.
I am looking forward to autumn. Are you ?
~ Aina ~
We embrace the warmer clothes, filling baskets with delicious apples, drying herbs, planning new and exciting projects, taking long walks with the favorite jacket of the season.
I am looking forward to autumn. Are you ?
~ Aina ~
Lieve Aina,
Omdat we te weinig zomerse dagen hebben gehad, verlang ik eerlijk gezegd nog lang niet naar de herfst. Ik hoop op een heerlijke nazomer, maar ik ben bang dat dat er dit jaar niet in zit!
Ik wens je een fijne dag! Lieve groet, Ingrid
Absolut! September är en underbar månad. Underbar höstinspiration du delar med dig av! Kram Linda
Lovely! Underbara bilder...höstigt och vackert med lavendel och linne!
Kram Marina
Elsker høsten jeg :)
ønsker deg en flott kveld
klem anita s
Hej Aina! Ja nu är den här, hösten ready or not :-)
Kram Annica.
Tja, du får det til å høyrs so vakkert ut :) Då må ein vel berre gle seg :)
I am so looking forward to it. I love the smells, the colors, the warmth of big sweaters...this morning it's a chilly 52 degrees so I guess it's here. I'm going to celebrate and make caramel apples today!
Enjoy your day ~
Sarah xo
Happy September Aina!! I love Autumn but am not quite ready to let go of Summer yet :)) Hope you are doing good! Beautiful pictures!!
:) T
Always love the Autumn Aina x
Lynn x
Autumn is my favorite time of year.
Always has been since I was little, playing in leaves and the crisp days to wear a cute jacket or sweater out on the playground.
I still remember my childhood days of happiness in Autumn and that is why I still love it today.
I set up my home like it is windy and crisp out but unfortunately, now living in the desert Autumn does not come around for 6 more weeks ;(
So have fun for me in the crisp morning while picking apples.
Aina - us too! It's a great time of year isnt it? Have a wonderful week :)
Happy September dear Aina! I'm always feeling happy when I see your pictures.
A bientôt. Anne
Ik ben blij dat de zomer voorbij is slechtste uit mijn leven......het word nooit meer herinnering blijft voor altijd in mijn hart...liefs van
Nydelig! Ja, september kan være nydelig. Syntes nok at den har vært noe regntung foreløbig, men det kan jo bli bedre. Den skarpe klare luften er nydelig!
What a wonderful pictures, I love september like you show it ....
have a nice evening , warm regards from Gea
ps: by the way ....I love your blog !
Ti seguo con amore ed affetto dalla amata bella Italia.
Il tuo blog è sempre più bello è ricco, complimenti bye
Elsker høsten med sin friske luft og gode duft. Er så deilig å finne fram ulltøy og gode sko også.
Kos deg
Nice pictures! And yes I like Autmn!
Have a nice day!
Hej vännen:)...ryser lite när jag ser dina ger en sådan härlig känsla...något varmt och sagolikt över dem..det kallar jag höstinspiration det!!:))
kramis kråke
Nice pictures - i love them...
J'aime beaucoup les couleurs de l'automne!
Tes photos sont magnifiques!
Douce soirée...
Lovely images. I like autumn, but I still enjoy every warm summerday. Because in my heart is still summer :-))) Lots of Love Yvonne
i have fallen in love. with a blog. this one. i'm your newest follower and hope you'll visit soon.
Så härliga bilder jag gillar verkligen hösten om det bara kan sluta regna...
Hi Aina,
How are you?
I just LOVE your pictures. There is soo much love in them. Inspiration every time.
xoxo Rozmeen
NYDELIG;) herlige bilder også..ukene har fløyet litt fort avgårde , med husmaling,jobb og andre aktiviteter som barna skal være med på virkelig..ser frem til en roligere høst;) også håper jeg da inderlig at jeg får tatt turen ned til dere! gleder meg jo til det!
Oh Aina tes photos sont toujours aussi ravissantes et me plaisent beaucoup -))
I like your pictures ! Good week-end Aina. Bises de Provence !!!
Autumn is my favorite time of year.
Always has been since I was little, playing in leaves and the crisp days to wear a cute jacket or sweater out on the playground.
I still remember my childhood days of happiness in Autumn.
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