
It`s That Time Of Year Again

Hi everyone, I have been wanting to get back to you and say hello for such a long time. I have been missing you very muchDue to an injured shoulder I have not been able to do much, no sewing, no keyboard tapping, no heavy lifting. Even washing my hair has been a real challenge. Feeling very lucky that this is not a permanent situation, realizing how difficult life would have been without my two hands. I am still taking things slow (took me a couple of hours writing this post) but at least, now you know.
Below a note I started writing to you over a month ago, thought maybe it could still be relevant.

Photo © IKEA Life at home

My friends, I hope you are well adjusted to the new temperatures and the changes of the new season. Lately I have been snuggling up and searching the internet for ideas how to make autumn wreaths, ordering a new fantastic bread knife and slowly I am also thinking about what to bake, make and how to decorate our home for Christmas. A bit early perhaps, but cleaning up my coffee table stack of magazines I found a couple of country living magazines from last November and caught myself longing a little bit. Have you already started making some plans ?

Via Design Sponge

This beautiful autumn wreath sparks a few great ideas, how to make a Christmas wreath looking pretty with a fresh mix of seasonal greenery, fruits and berries.

~ Aina ~



Meta said...

Aj aj aj det där låter inte bra alls. Önskar verkligen att du skall bli helt bar snart. Nu är det adventstid och snart jul då önskar man göra så mycket.Minns hur det var när jag opererade mina karpaltunnlar i handleden. Det var inte roligt så jag förstår hur du har det.
Kram och krya på dig

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Hi Aina,
So sorry to hear about your injured shoulder ….. it must be very difficult for you and painful too. I hope that it gets better very quickly !
I love the Autumn decorations and, I'm now getting ready for Christmas.
Have a lovely week. XXXX

Roberta said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend. Hopefully soon you will be sewing and creating again just in time for the holidays. Sometimes these things happen to slow us down for a bit:) Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos! xo

Home and Lifestyle said...

Eerlijk gezegd ben ik nog niet met kerst bezig, eerst maar eens wennen aan de herfst nu de temperaturen echt aan het dalen zijn. Vervelend dat je een blessure aan je schouder hebt, ik hoop dat het herstel spoedig verloopt.

Liefs, Ingrid

It's me said...

Yes Christmas is comming ....i have made decorations in our shop today....let it show let it show....hahahaha...love Ria...x!

G:a Affären said...

Det låter inte bra...och att sitta vid datorn för mycket kan förvärra saken.
Och så blir jag så förundrad att du är lycklig över en ny brödkniv, och att den sätter igång planer för ett bak. Härligt Aina!
Hoppas nu att du blir helt bra i din axel så att du får använda nål och tråd igen!

Den vackra kransen gör att jag genast måste kika på din länk!

Krya på dig kramar /Cia

manon 21 said...

bonjour chère Aina,

toujours contente de te lire,j’espère que ton projet avance et que tout va bien pur toi.



Jemima Lumley Jewellery said...

Beautiful wreath! Hope your shoulder gets better soon.

Melanie said...

I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder - and I can sympathize. I have a partial rotator cuff tear and just finished 8 months of physical therapy. And now I have lymphedema in my left arm (they claim it's not related to the tear) and am going through therapy for that. I'm also in a HUGE compression bandage that's several layers thick from my knuckles to my armpit, so typing isn't fun.

simply said...

J'adore les couronnes !!! moi aussi j'ai eu mal à mon bras j'ai eu une tendinite et c'est très long à guérir.Prend soin de toi.Merci pour ta fidélité sur mon blog !! Douce journée.

Tante Mali said...

what a lovely wellcome post! Hope you will feel better soon, oh - I know sholders can be very unpleasant! Take care and all my best

peggy said...

Very sorry to hear about your shoulder. Thank you for the time and effort it took to post. Your blog is always such a great source of inspiration, especially around the Holidays.

quiltsathome said...

I love your blog and the beautiful pictures you show.
I'm sorry to hear about your shoulder and hope everything is allright soon. Greetings from the Netherlands, Patricia

BiancoAntico said...

Welcome back, Aina :-)
A big hug


Tone said...

For en nydelig blogg med masse flotte og herlige bilder!! Jeg prøver å komme inn på butikken din, men får bare beskjed fra Blogger om at jeg ikke har tilgang. Vet du hvorfor? Skulle gjerne tatt en titt!


Robin Follette said...

I am happy to have found your blog this morning while following links. I an enamored with your style and will be back often (adding to Feedly). Hope your shoulder is still healing well. It's one of those parts we don't realize how much we use until we can't.

Petra said...

Hallo Aina,

Het is bijna kerstvakantie hier in Holland, en vanaf hier wens ik jou en je geliefden een hele fijn kerst en het allerbeste voor 2015 toe, ik wens je ook veel beterschap toe met je schouder, ik hoop dat je ondertussen alweer ietsje meer kan doen. Ik moest de laatste tijd weer aan je denken hoe het met je zou zijn, maar heb wellicht door alle drukte jouw blogje gemist. Ik hoop dat een fijne kerst hebt!

Lieve groet van Petra

Lieve groet van Petra

Domie/saint ange said...

HI Aina !!!
very very gorgeous your picture... I wish you a beautiful new year with all you love and the the health so precious .
xxxx kisses

and on Facebook : Domie Villa saint Ange

Michael A. Taylor said...

Hi Aina, really sad to know about your shoulder injure. Hope you are fine now. And thanks for your nice post with some nice pictures. Keep it up. :)